by Dr John Tickell – the ‘Wellness Doctor’ – Issue 3 – BEST HEALTH newsletter

Welcome to my latest edition of BEST HEALTH newsletter,



Australians need to be aware of the ongoing risks which individuals and family members face, if Health and Wellness ideals are not front of mind – Diabetes is not going away!


The Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA) are to be congratulated for the Working Party which delivered the following POSITION STATEMENT together with Authorities, including the ADS, Dieticians Society,

PSA, Pharmaceutical Society, ESSA, Exercise Sports Science Australia .



This coming 12 months, there will be at least another 120,000 Australians newly diagnosed with Diabetes –


These people all need essential care – and ADEA is doing amazing work in this space, with fully credentialed educators advising and managing.


Let it be for CDEs !

Do you think it’s a good idea that these 2 million Aussies with PRE-Diabetes be made aware they have this condition so it can be explained to them

and they can receive therapy which can prevent the progress to a diabetes diagnosis in more than 50% of cases?

(Diabetes Australia)



Deaths of Australians, last 12 months from breast cancer = approx 3,200

Deaths of Australians, last 12 months from prostate cancer = approx 3,500 TOTAL of Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer deaths = approx 6,700

💥 Diabetes and complication deaths in Australia are THREE TIMES MORE

than the combined Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer death numbers !! Why ? “ Diabetes – the fastest growing Health Epidemic in human history “



ADEA are at the forefront of Diabetes care in Australia and Dr John Tickell, International Chronic Disease Researcher, is in your corner. Each month or so, a few snippets relating to Prevention of Diabetes will be available for your interest, and feedback is most welcome – receiving these notes is entirely optional – Gut Health is of prime importance – lots of research happening, moving forward in the last decade . Healthy and Anti-Inflammatory gut bacteria can be controlled by our lifestyle habits – our choice. The Gut / Brain axis is now scientifically agreed.


Thank you


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