by Dr John Tickell – the ‘Wellness Doctor’ – Issue # ONE BEST HEALTH Newsletter – LIFE BE IN IT !!!

Welcome to my NEW newsletter BEST HEALTH


As The Wellness Doctor I see health through a different lens because I was given about 15 months to live following a massive seizure and a diagnosis of 5 malignant Brain Cancers over 14 years ago.


This horror diagnosis gave me the opportunity to think, and to consider the wisdom and experience I had gathered, researching Global Healthy Longevity, comparing countless countries around the World.


My Oncologist, an Asian Cancer Specialist, talked with me about a new immunotherapy drug which was being researched in the Northern Hemisphere. People from Eastern cultures understand and accept the concept of Food as Medicine.


He also explained that the new immunotherapies worked by stimulating my own immune system, which would help destroy the aggressive cancer growths. Same concept

that is used with anti-virus vaccines, by pumping up the human immune systems against viruses.


Food for thought

Lying in a hospital bed for weeks and weeks gave me a lot of time to read about the frightening, increasing numbers of Chronic Diseases like cancer, diabetes and dementia in the Western world, and the fact that they were reaching epidemic proportions in Australia.


  • Why is Cancer, why is Diabetes, why is Dementia appearing earlier and earlier in our lives, especially in those aged under 50 ??
  • Why are 25% of diagnosed Breast cancers, now under age 50 ? and many now under 40 as well?
  • Why is Type 2 Diabetes now happening in teenagers and those in their 20s ?  
  • Why does Australia have a new diabetic every 5 minutes ? Where are the new Food as Medicine breakthroughs for the management of those living with Diabetes and the Prevention of T2 Diabetes ?

And something else – that we weren’t taught in Medical School –

Chronic Inflammation is the cornerstone in most probably 

ALL Chronic Diseases !


Australian Institute of Health and Wellness, latest stats indicate :


87% of Australians at age 65, have, or have the beginnings of AT LEAST ONE Chronic Disease



9 out of 10 Aussies, are Sick in our 6O’s

That’s only 13% of us who aren’t “Sick in our Sixties”


We need NEW approaches to health care


We need, and NOW we have, NEW approaches to health care Yes, we can reduce Chronic Systemic Inflammation


As a Wellness Dr, I’ve definitely become part of the FOOD as MEDICINE movement. based on my A C E principles of the longest living, healthiest people on earth :



My BEST HEALTH newsletter will bring Common Sense, which is not very common – – with researched, proven strategies to “Be Healthy and Great to 88 or 98”


Coming soon : Which are our “most popular” Chronic Diseases ?


C H A D D – do you want one, or two, or not ? LIFE Expectancy, or HEALTH Expectancy or both ?


Chat next time,  B Healthy !





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