In this modern world of misinformation and marketing, no wonder we are mostly confused when we read and see ads and posters promising better health, especially “convenient” and fast ways to Wellness!

CARB is a made-up word – the real word is Carbohydrate, the correct way to describe the chemical structure of what most Plant foods are – they consist of bits of Carbon and Oxygen and Hydrogen – C is the Carbon, plus the H2O parts of H and O together are water, contained in fruits and veg, whole grains, beans.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our thinking box (brain) and can be stored in muscles and our liver as glycogen.

FIBRE is also a Carbohydrate and comes in different structures – Fibre is only in Plant Foods – there is zero Fibre in bacon and eggs, meats, and refined sugar products such as lollies, confectionary and soft drink sodas. Fibre is indigestible

Fibre comes as Soluble Fibre and also Insoluble Fibre – both types add strength to our ammunition to control and slow down absorption of sugars, sponge up toxins and excess cholesterol, and one type of fibre bulks up stool substance and enhances regular bowel motions – wonderful for the Constipation Generation !

Aussies and Americans and most of all Western World people consume LESS THAN HALF of the necessary Fibre to keep our intestines healthy – – that’s the main reason why we get so many bowel and colon upsets, IBS, and lots of cancers down there in our main body tube.

  • 10,000 a month, EVERY MONTH, 120,000 every YEAR

The Complications of Diabetes are a Horror story – Amputations, Heart attacks, Blindness, Kidney failure and Dialysis. Ouch!!!

W A M – Walk after meals, 10 minutes helps control blood sugar spikes

Australia is now 4th WORST in the world at getting Diabetes – how embarrassing!

Carbohydrates come as Simple sugars (one or two molecules) – monosaccharides – and Complex sugars, (multiple molecules stuck together) – are polysaccharides. Vegetables are Complex carbohydrates, and these types of sugars are SLOWWLLY absorbed through the intestines into our blood stream, so no huge blood sugar spikes. And by the way, many fruits contain Fructose, which is a simple sugar – so go easy on your fruit intake – a variety of different colour fruits, bits and pieces now and then.

Simple or added sugars are absorbed rapidly and cause blood sugar spikes!

That’s why we have so many new cases of Diabetes happening – 120,000 new cases a year and getting worse – more and more of our food is CRAP – Commercially Refined and Processed !!

Our kids are suffering, physically and mentally

Let’s DO something good for them! Science has determined that our Gut Health is SO important – the billions of intestinal micro bacteria are fed so much “Fake Food” in this EASY, FAST world.

The Independent Microbiologist researchers at Top Australian Universities have now proven that a non drug, Food-as-Medicine drink, is a brilliant way to modify and control Blood Sugar levels, helping Manage and PREVENT diabetic states in our population –



Healthy and Well, ring the bell,

Chat next time,

B Healthy !


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